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Taking the plunge can be a difficult decision. Now the Coupé makes it easy! We've built flexibility into the design, to keep the price low for the beginner, but to allow you to upgrade easily when you're ready.
Even the basic model offers a greater range of options than ever before, with 512K memory and built-in joystick, mouse, MIDI and network ports. But whenever you want to, you can simply purchase extra memory or another disk drive to fill the slots we've left available.
And the manual, while comprehensive, is written to make things easy for you - even if you or your family have never used a computer before. Learning with the Coupé
The sturdy design, the network, the sound and colour capabilities, the MIDI, mouse and light-pen ports - all these features make the Coupé excel in the classroom. Add to this the vast range of existing educational software and a price with tight budgets in mind, and you'll see that the Coupé is a superb choice for the schools.
Outside the classroom too, the Coupé is the ideal computer for learning. Our lovable cartoon character, SAM, introduces beginners - young and old - to the principles of computing. And for the concerned parent, MGT has commissioned books and software to help you to help your children. The built in procedural BASIC language encourages good programming technique. It brings the full capabilities of the computer to the user, quickly and easily. Spectrum Owners
You've been building up your Spectrum software collection for years. You want a computer with better sound, better graphics, more power - but you don't want to lose your software.
The Coupé's the computer for you, using a much faster 6Mhz Z80B microprocessor. Four screen modes give you a choice from 128 colours, a six-channel stereo sound chip, 512K RAM - yet by actually slowing the Coupé down, we allow most of your 48K Spectrum software to run in the Coupé's level 1 mode. Music
There won't be a better buy for all you aspiring electronic musicians. The Coupé features a full implementation of MIDI - MIDI In, Out and Through - with 16 channel capability, and MGT is promoting a full range of MIDI support software, so you can plug in your own MIDI music keyboard. Better still, the Coupé features an 8 octave, 6 channel stereo sound chip. For sensational sound effects, just plug in your headphones.
Play it again SAM! Graphics
See the full range of 128 colours on an ordinary TV set, Or better still, use a video monitor for really high definition. Best of all, use a modern TV with SCART to get the quality of a monitor on an ordinary TV set.
The Coupé has four graphics modes. Even at the lowest level - Spectrum emulation - you can change the colours in the software to take full advantage of the palette. In modes 3 and 4, you can display up to 16 colours per line, a different colour for every pixel in a 256 x 192 pixel display; or have 80-column 512 x 192 display for word processing and spreadsheets.
And free with the Coupé comes FLASH!, a software package by ace Swedish programmer, Bo Jangeborg, designed to give you total control over these powerful graphics. Growth
You never stand still with a computer. You're always learning, always growing, always wanting to do more. With the Coupé, your computer can grow with you.
Memory can be expanded by four megabytes. A second disk drive or a hard drive can be added. There are output ports for almost everything we can think of, and an expansion connector for things that other people develop later. And all of it simply slots in - no screws, no soldering, no hardware expertise.